Frequently asked questions about body shaping

What is the body shaping program?

The three ingredients to shape your perfect body

Our natural and non-invasive body sculpting programs are a combination of three relatively simple components working together: a gentle exercise, boosted by vacuum therapy massage and supported by sound nutrition advice

Vacuum massage

A gentle boost to triple your results

The second component is the vacuum massage - a gentle stimulation of your skin by an alternating air pressure.

The vacuum massage enhances your blood circulation and pushes the fatty acids straight from your problem zones into your working muscles.

The massage zones target your problem areas - your stubbornest fat deposits - during the exercise.

The outcome: the vacuum-assisted exercise is three times more effective than conventional exercise - while removing fat from the traditionally hard to slim areas - hips, thighs and posterior.

Relaxing lady using Hypoxi HDC lymphatic vacu massage

Gentle exercise

Anyone can do it

Your muscles naturally burn fat when you exercise.

Our body shaping sessions use gentle, easy exercise suitable for any fitness level, even for people who have not exercised in a long time or have health issues that prevent them from doing the traditional exercise in the gym.

In fact, while exercising on the Hypoxi L250, you are just gently pedalling on a lie-down bike. Likely you will not even break a sweat, yet thanks to the vacuum massage, the results of that easy exercise enhanced by the vacuum massage will bring you the results.

Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device assisted with smiling team member.


Simple personalised food advice

The final ingredient is the nutrition. Good nutrition is essential not only for fat loss but also for your overall well-being.

Your body shaping program comes with simple and clear-cut nutrition advice designed specifically for you. Using the data on your age, starting weight, activity level and body goals, we will provide you with a personalised, healthy balanced food plan to help you drop those centimetres and keep them off.

We will give you simple food rules to follow and plenty of advice, without forcing on you any strict diet. We even have cookbooks to grab, to make your meal planning as simple as possible.

Nutritional low-carbs meal: Salmon salad with red wine vinaigrette

Sounds easy. What is the catch?

We can help a lot, but only you can change your body

We bring you a gentle and easy body-shaping program suitable for any fitness level. We know you can get some amazing results using a simple non-invasive, completely natural method, which is as easy on your body as possible. We explain everything, help, motivate and guide you along the way.

But it is not a one-and-done magic spell. You will need to commit yourself to the program to see the results. We can help, but cannot do it for you.

You will get the best results if you come into the studio three times a week. In fact, our pricing strongly discounts the regular sessions, to give you not only moral but also financial motivation to come regularly.

Also, there are nutrition food rules to follow, even if you are not in the studio, needed to make your body shaping work. We make them as simple as possible for you, but it is up to you to follow the advice. To put it bluntly, if you reward yourself for every completed session with a large Sacher cake, it is not going to work, no matter how hard you exercise.

Happy ladies measuring one's waist after her weight loss.

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How long is the body shaping session?

We offer short 30-minute sessions on your preferred device, or double 60-minute sessions combining massage and exercise. Or mix and match to choose your own program depending on how busy you are and the time you want to spend.

Single body shaping session (30 minutes)

A session on any exercise machine is done in just 30 minutes - it’s nothing like your hours-long gym slog.

Since the exercise is very simple and easy, while you’re on the machine, you can use a tablet or your phone to do whatever you’d like - check your email, browse the internet, watch Netflix, chill out!

We will take care of monitoring your heart rate and body temperature to make sure you stay in a fat-burning zone for the maximum result.

Combined session
(60 minutes)

As the name suggests, the combined session puts both of the single sessions together.

The session starts with 20 minutes of Vacu Massage to prime your body for more effective exercise. It also is a relaxing and gentle way to leave the hustle of the day behind and ease yourself into the "me-time".

Then you move to your chosen machine for the regular 30 minutes of low-impact exercise. As your body is already warmed up, the combination is more effective and gets you faster, better results.

Single Vacu Massage session (30 minutes)

Vacu Massage sessions are 20 minutes long. The extra 10 minutes are to allow for the time to take the suit on and off.

You lie down and relax. You will then feel the suit tighten slightly as the vacuum massage therapy begins and the pressure in the suit starts changing.

Again, we take care of monitoring your heart rate and body temperature to make sure you are getting the maximum results.

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What happens during my body shaping session?

Vacuum therapy and gentle exercise

Here is a rundown of the popular combined session, using two main machines: the Hypoxi HDC Lymphatic Vacu Massage and one of the exercise machines of your choice - the Hypoxi S120 Sit-down Vacu bike, the Hypoxi L250 Lie-down Vacu bike or the Hypoxi Vacunaut Body Shaping Treadmill.

If you are short on time, you can do just a single low-impact 30-minute exercise session. However, since you get the fastest and best results from using Vacu Massage in combination with an exercise, we recommend the 60-minute combo option as much as your time and budget allow.

Happy lady walking into the Body Shaping Zone studio, getting into and having session in the Hypoxi L250 sit-down Vacu bike.

The Vacu Massage: priming your body

If you’re using the Hypoxi HDC: Lymphatic Vacu Massage, our friendly team member will help you into the suit and get you set up on the machine. You lie down and relax on the Hypoxi HDC: Lymphatic Vacu Massage.

Once everything is set up, you will feel the suit tighten slightly as the vacuum massage therapy begins and the suit starts cycling the air pressure changes.

Do I need to warm up?

If you use the Hypoxi HDC Lymphatic Vacu Massage at the start of your session, your body will already be primed for exercise, so you can skip the warm-up.

But if you’re using just the exercise machine during your session, you’ll need to do a small warm-up to start.

Relaxed lady in Hypoxi HDC Hypoxidermology Vacu massage suite

Special body sculpting gear

After the lymphatic massage or warm-up, your body will be primed to burn some stubborn fat off on your chosen exercise machine.

Before a session on the Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike or the S120 Vacu bike, we’ll help you into a space-age “skirt”. It looks fashionable, but you’re really wearing it to seal the vacuum properly.

If you’re using the Vacunaut Body Shaping Bike or Treadmill, you’ll be wearing a scuba-like suit similar to the Hypoxi HDC: Vacu Massage.

Smiling lady helping happy client in to the skirt getting ready for Hypoxi L250 vacu bike body shaping session

Burn fat and chill out

On both of the cycling machines, the Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike and the S120 Vacu bike, you can use a tablet while you cycle. Do whatever you want! Check your email, watch TV, or browse the internet. You’re welcome to bring your own device, or we can provide you with tablets, Netflix and Wi-Fi as you need.

The exercise you do during your 30-minute session on the machine is so gentle that you’re unlikely to even break a sweat. Some of our clients even make business calls during a session without sounding out of breath.

Sounds too easy? Don’t worry: the whole time you’re exercising, your team member will be monitoring your surface body temperature and heart rate to make sure you’re still in the fat-burning zone.

Happy relaxed client is using S120 easy bike body sculpting device for her weight loss while working on her laptop.

What if I feel fatigued?

If the exercise feels tough, we’re here for you. It’s normal to feel a bit fatigued, especially in the early stages of your body-shaping fitness journey.

On your very first session, we’ll give you a couple of minutes to get used to the feeling of using the machines, and after that, you’ll be provided with plenty of distractions.

Anyone can do body shaping, and that means anyone! Bohdana’s (the owner) mum was 72 years old when she tried body shaping for the first time, and her results were great. Feel free to ask for the full story when you come in for a session!

We will support and guide you all the way through your body shaping journey

We’re here to talk while you’re in the studio. In your introductory session, we’ll give you an explanatory video to watch, go over the food rules, and answer any questions you have. If it seems like a lot to take in, don’t sweat. We’ll email you all the info after your session as well.

Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device assisted with smiling team

Meet the Hypoxi body shaping technology that boosts your results

Our Hypoxi body sculpting devices are the heart of our service.
Improved blood circulation created by the vacuum chamber pressure changes triples your exercise results.
All devices are available at both of our studios - you can choose a location convenient for you.

The Hypoxi L250: Lie-down Vacu Bike

Vacuum-boosted gentle exercise targeted to burn lower body fat

Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device.About Hypoxi L250 Vacu Bike

The Hypoxi S120: Sit-up Vacu Bike

A vacuum-assisted easy exercise targeting fat deposits and cellulite below the waist

Female client is using S120 easy bike body sculpting device for her weight loss.About Hypoxi S120 Vacu Bike

The Hypoxi Vacunaut: Bike or Treadmill

A low-impact exercise supported by a complex system of pressure chambers targeting tummy fat

Happy female client is using Hypoxi Vacunaut body sculpting device for her weight loss.About Hypoxi Vacunaut

The Hypoxi HDC: Lymphatic Vacu Massage

A modern take on ancient detox massage to reduce cellulite and firm your skin

Happy customer is using Vacumassage (HypoxiDermology) body sculpting equipment for weight loss.About Hypoxi Vacu Massage

Love your body!
Loose weight and get in shape with simple and natural body shaping program.

Start Easy 3 Session Trial For 50% Off Today!

Where are the body shaping studios? 

Two convenient Sydney body shaping locations: Sydney CBD and Lane Cove

We have two conveniently located Sydney studios, one in Sydney CDB and one in Lane Cove.

Both locations are conveniently central, great for dropping in even just on your lunch break.
That way, even if you are busy at work, you can visit us for as many sessions as needed and reach your perfect body goals.

Both studios are equipped with all four of the Hypoxi Vacu Massage, Vacunaut, S120 and L250 Vacu bikes. You can access your perfect body shaping program in either studio.

Body Shaping Zone Sydney CBD

(formerly Hypoxi Sydney CBD)

255 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 (at Fitness First in Hilton)

Phone: 0431 234 303
  1. Monday7:30 am - 7:00 pm
  2. Tuesday6:30 am - 3:30 pm
  3. Wednesday6:30 am - 7:00 pm
  4. Thursday6:30 am - 7:00 pm
  5. Friday6:30 am - 3:00 pm
  6. SaturdayClosed -
  7. SundayClosed -
Claim Your 50% Discount on First 3 Sessions Today!

Virtual tour of Sydney CBD Body Shaping Zone studio. Use the arrows in view to navigate around.

Body Shaping Zone Lane Cove

(formerly Hypoxi Lane Cove)

21 Nundah St, Lane Cove North NSW 2066

Phone: 0431 380 153
  1. Monday6:00 am - 4:00 pm
  2. Tuesday11:30 am - 8:00 pm
  3. Wednesday6:00 am - 8:00 pm
  4. Thursday3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  5. Friday6:00 am - 7:00 pm
  6. Saturday8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  7. SundayClosed -
Claim Your 50% Discount on First 3 Sessions Today!

Virtual tour of Lane Cove Body Shaping Zone studio. Use the arrows in view to navigate around.

Loose weight and shape your body with our simple and natural program.

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How to make your body shaping work

Body sculpting results come quicker and faster than conventional exercise results, but they don’t come instantly after just one session.

Choose your program length

You can book a program according to your goals. The shortest program available is a minimum of 4 weeks, and after that, you can continue for as long as you want.

Our most popular option is the 12-week program, as that is where you get very noticeable results. It’s ideal if you have bigger goals for fat loss, and again you can continue for as long as you please.

We also offer a 6-month membership, if you are serious about changing your look, health, fitness and lifestyle with a longer-term body shaping commitment. Believe us, you will be a new person once your program finishes. 

Commit to 3 sessions per week

You’ll get the best results in body shaping if you come into the studio 3 times a week. If you’re short on time, we can accommodate you - for example, you might want to do a combo session just once or twice a week and stick to the single session on exercise machines for the remainder.

We ask that you keep an open mind when it comes to session scheduling. But if you absolutely cannot make it 3 times a week, we can work things out. Body shaping can still work on two sessions a week, especially if you can work exercise into your routine elsewhere.

Follow lifestyle recommendations

We encourage our clients to keep up a lightly active lifestyle in between sessions. You don’t need to sign up for a marathon! Think within the realm of riding your bike to work some mornings, or taking the dog for a nice long walk. Your body (and your dog) will thank you for it and you’ll enhance your body sculpting results.

Body shaping is essentially a two-part process - the fat loss you get from body sculpting sessions works in combination with healthy nutrition support.

What is the best food for me? Easy Nutrition Guidance

Good nutrition is an important part of your weight loss journey, but it’s hard to navigate the hodgepodge of nutrition advice out there. Luckily, your body shaping program comes with simple and clear-cut nutrition advice designed specifically for you.

Hate dieting? No need to worry!

Body shaping’s secret weapon is gentle and easy nutrition because diets don’t work. Your body shaping program comes with simple food rules to follow and advice is available, but we don’t put anyone on a strict diet.

Nutritional low-carbs meal: Salmon salad with red wine vinaigrette

A personalised nutrition plan

When you start your program, we’ll take the data on your age, starting weight, activity level and body goals. Using that, we’ll work with you to personalise a healthy, balanced food plan to help you drop those centimetres and keep them off.

Why no carbs?

Keeping to a low-carb diet, especially after exercise, will help to ensure that your body burns your fat for fuel, rather than skipping past the fat and taking the easy energy from carbohydrates.

The food rules

On top of that, there are general rules to follow to get the best results from body shaping. These are super simple as well:

  • Eat no food for 1 hour before the body shaping session
  • Eat no food for 2 hours after
  • Your first meal after those 2 hours should be protein-based, with no carbs
  • Eat no carbs for 4 hours after

Depending on your size, we also recommend that you drink 2-3 litres of water every day. Easy!

Cookbooks and recipe ideas provided

On your first session, we’ll provide you with a recipe card and give you a read of our body sculpting cookbooks. If you want to follow a long-term nutrition plan, we recommend grabbing your own copy of one of our cookbooks. They include 30 days’ worth of delicious recipes to aid your fat-loss goals.

Find more ideas about nutrition, recommendations and recipes in our blog articles.

Hypoxi cookbook - nutritional low-carbs recipes to complement body shaping sessions.

Love your body!
Loose weight and get in shape with simple and natural body shaping program.

Start Easy 3 Session Trial For 50% Off Today!

Client's testimonials: Body shaping works!

Do not just believe us. Read the client stories, see their body sculpting results, and get inspired for your own perfect body transformation with help from Body Shaping Zone.

Matt P.

"Combining Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi), three times a week, with portion control helped me achieve results I am very happy with."

Matt is using Vacunaut equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 4 kg.


"In just 12 vacuum-cycling sessions I lost 12 cms, leaving me feeling trim and ready for my upcoming vacation!"

Stephanie using L250 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 12 cm.

Amy Johnson

"I can’t thank the Body Shaping Zone team enough for all their help and support 🙂"

Amy is using Vacumassage (HypoxiDermology) equipment for body shaping and weigh loss: 5 kg


"I have tried all kinds of diet and slimming centres for years since I was 11 years old. Nothing has really helped until I found HYPOXI."

Caren's results cellulite treatment before after - 9.8 kg after 8 weeks.

Hypoxi before & after: Client’s body shaping results

The hype about Hypoxi body shaping is real! The program will transform your life and give you the figure - and the confidence - of your dreams. Big words, indeed, but we’ve seen it happen to hundreds of clients already.

With the usual disclaimer that the individual results vary, here are some of the success stories from our satisfied past clients. We hope these will inspire you to start your own body transformation.
See more before & after body shaping results
Despite a hectic work schedule, Melissa managed to shed an impressive 13 kilograms and 96 centimetres in 8 weeks.

Despite a hectic work schedule, Melissa managed to shed an impressive 13 kilograms and 96 centimetres in 8 weeks.

Ms D's commitment to her health journey led to a substantial 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in waist size.

Ms D's commitment to her health journey led to a substantial 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in waist size.

Juggling work and family schedule, Jessica still managed to shed an impressive 9.8 kilograms and 51 centimeters in 8 weeks.

Juggling work and family schedule, Jessica still managed to shed an impressive 9.8 kilograms and 51 centimeters in 8 weeks.

Loose weight and shape your body with our simple and natural program.

Claim 3 Trial Sessions At 50% Off Your Today!