Hnin has been using L250 equipment for body shaping and weigh loss: 16 kg in 4 months

Ms D.

I cannot believe that I have lost 10.4 kilos and 49 cm over the 8 weeks, and 15.8 kilos and 89cm this year! I finally believe that I can do this!

On New Year’s Eve, I decided 2020 was to be a year of change. It was time to focus on me, to finally find balance in mind, body and soul. To start to undo the years of damage from stress, emotional eating and excuses. I was sick of being overweight, living on coffee to survive my week and being so unhappy.

I went back to Body Shaping Zone (HYPOXI) CBD Wynyard in January, feeling awful at 102kg. Even though I wanted this change, I was struggling. And then Covid happened. And we all know what the next 6 months brought.  I saw the ad for the transformation program starting in September. Whilst I had started to eat better in August and going for walks, I needed to step it up to the next level and realised I really needed some support.

Having an 8-week challenge was perfect for me, there was a chance to win a prize! It was 8 weeks, sharing the experience with ladies across Australia, with guidance on diet and Vacuum Body Sculpting (HYPOXI) sessions 3 times a week. Easy!
Vacuum Body Sculpting (HYPOXI) created the outline and support and extended this with the Facebook group, weekly food plan and live sessions. Bohdana and the team at Lane Cove Studio provided support and weekly encouragement. At this point, I had no excuses. I tackled the challenge with vigour, determined to lose weight, look better and more importantly feel better.

The meal program was great. As a lover of salads and soups, I found this part easy. And the best part, I never felt like I was missing out. If I veered off the program, I forgave myself and started again. The Body Sculpting (HYPOXI) sessions were easy and working from home made it a breeze to attend. Knowing that I was not alone made this process so much easier.

8 weeks have flown, and I really did find the process easy. I stopped making excuses and just believed in the plan. What I had not realised was that I was setting up new life-changing habits. Reflecting I realised I was ready to make a change. I also learnt to be more patient with myself as it took years to put on and will take some time to undo.

I know this is obvious, but instead of focusing on my long-term goal of losing 40 kilos, which seems impossible, Body Sculpting (HYPOXI) broke it down into an achievable short-term goal. Just 8 weeks. And boom – I lost a quarter of the excess weight.  This has boosted my confidence that I can make lifelong change with small steps, and that each step is a step in the right direction. Those positive steps in the right direction add up.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Try body shaping for yourself! Buy a risk-free intro session pack
Joanne's incredible transformation saw her lose 15.8 kg and 72 cm in just 8 weeks.
Ms D's commitment to her health journey led to a substantial 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in waist size.
Ms D's determination paid off with an outstanding 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in measurements.

Love your body!
Loose weight and get in shape with simple and natural body shaping program.

Start Easy 3 Session Trial For 50% Off Today!


So happy to have found a low-impact program, with motivational support!

Vanessa, like so many of us, found herself in a cycle of weight gain and depression. After trying other exercise that resulted in injury, she looked for something gentler that could still provide real results.

This is when she discovered Body Shaping by HYPOXI. She joined us @hypoxilanecove and participated in our 8 Week Transformation, losing 6kgs and 46.7cms!

“HYPOXI was a real revelation.”

“The sport has given me appointments that I could never have missed, the bike has not hurt me, on the contrary. It is the place where I found motivation, with a food follow-up and measurements that allow me to follow my evolution.”

“Thanks to HYPOXI for this real change and I will definitely continue after this challenge!”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Vanessa, after trying other exercise that resulted in injury, she looked for something gentler that could still provide real results. In 8 weeks she lost 6kgs and 46.7cms!


I was able to target my waistline, hips, thighs and butt. I’m very happy with the results that I have had over the last 8 weeks.

Abdominal fat was never really a problem for Ann until she turned 55. Not unfamiliar with exercise, and never shying away from hard work, she still found it difficult to lose tummy weight and was getting disheartened.

So she decided to commit to the 8 Week Transformation at Body Shaping (formerly HYPOXI) studio. Not only was she delighted with the targeted results, losing 6.5kgs and 27cms, but she also ranked as one of our Top 10 Finalists. Here are just a few things Ann had to say about her challenge:

“With HYPOXI I was able to target my waistline, hips, thighs and butt. I’m very happy with the results that I have had over the last 8 weeks.”

“It is good to see that I was not alone in my journey and there were many forums to reach out to. I especially loved joining the web sessions for the many tips they provided.”

“I would say that if you are thinking of joining the HYPOXI family – just do it – don’t wait for another day – now is the only option you have to make your life that much better.”

“I would like to thank the team at HYPOXI studio for their continued support and encouragement.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Ann is delighted with the targeted results, losing 6.5kgs and 27cms in just 8 weeks.


I have the confidence to look in a mirror and walk with pride.

In spite of challenges with her physical and mental health, Cindy managed to lose a whopping 12.1kgs and 59cms during her 8 Week Transformation, making her one our Top 10 Finalists.

“Girls keeping me motivated to get me back to healthy eating habits and I am loving every minute of it.”

“I have the confidence to look in a mirror and walk with pride without thinking people are judging me as I walk anywhere.”

“Especially compliments from work colleagues that I have changed my life and the way of living happier healthy lifestyle.”

“ITS A BIG REWARD to myself because It’s MY PERSONAL BEST.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
In spite of challenges with her physical and mental health, Cindy managed to lose a whopping 12.1kgs and 59cms during 8 weeks


It really worked, for once something actually delivered on what it advertised it could do! AMAZING!!!

“I am so proud of the results I have achieved; I am feeling the best I have in the past 9 years and am looking forward to continuing my journey with Body Shaping Zone (formerly HYPOXI).

I have received several amazing positive comments from friends I have not seen for a while; wow you look great, what have you been doing? I tell them “HYPOXI”.

Feeling so much better in my own skin, more energy, less headaches and body aches and have lost 3 dress sizes…. Thank you HYPOXI and thank you for the support of the studio and friends made along the way.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Heidi LOST A STUNNING 62CM AND 8.2KGS during the challenge.


I feel more confident and good about how I look and feel in my clothes.

Being a shift-working mother of three, Catherine struggled to keep her weight under control. Then she joined Body Shaping studio (formerly Hypoxi) and with a personalised program she managed to lose a fantastic 7.3kgs and 44cms in just 8 weeks! Here’s what she had to say about her achievement:

“HYPOXI has been transformational for me as it has given me the motivation and support I needed to eat healthy food and has helped me to fit in exercise.”

“I feel more confident and good about how I look and feel in my clothes.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Being a shift working mother of three, Catherine struggled to keep her weight under control. Thanks to our personalized program she managed to lose a fantastic 7.3kgs and 44cms in just 8 weeks!


HYPOXI is such a safe place to come when things get stressful, and I always leave feeling empowered and ready to take on the world.

Back in 2020, Jodie was 115kgs. Following her doctor’s advice, she used different approaches to lose weight and improve her health and fitness. Her body transformation journey started well, but eventually, she hit a plateau and struggled to achieve her goals.

When she heard about the Body Shaping Zone (formerly HYPOXI) 8 Week Transformation, Jodie thought that this was the motivation she needed to focus more on her physical and mental health. In a span of 8 weeks, she dropped a fantastic 33.5cms and 5.7kgs. Her doctor, friends and family were really impressed.

Before HYPOXI I was afraid to go into a gym but now I have the confidence to walk in with my head held high. HYPOXI is such a safe place to come when things get stressful, and I always leave feeling empowered and ready to take on the world.”

I’m so grateful that I discovered HYPOXI. It has changed my life for the better in every possible way.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
In a span of 8 weeks, Jodie dropped a fantastic 33.5cms and 5.7kgs.


If you are thinking of joining the Body Shaping Zone studio: Just do it - don't wait for another day!

When Ann turned 55, she started having difficulty losing fat in her stomach. She tried different exercises, but nothing really worked.

So when she heard about the Body Shaping Zone (formerly HYPOXI) 8 Week Transformation, she decided to give it a try at HYPOXI studio. In just 8 weeks of HYPOXI training, she lost 6.5kgs and 27cms and ranked as one of our Top 10 Finalists!

“With HYPOXI I was able to target my waistline, hips, thighs and butt. The diet plan I was given put me back on the right track control, change my eating patterns, and lose weight. “

“I am very happy with the progress that I have had over the last 8 weeks and I will continue to use HYPOXI and the knowledge that I have received from the program. It is good to see that I was not alone in my journey and there were many forums to reach out to.”

“I would say that if you are thinking of joining the HYPOXI family – just do it – don’t wait for another day. Now is the only option you have to make your life that much better. Once again thank you for the encouragement and for making my progress a lot easier than I had thought it would be.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
In just 8 weeks of HYPOXI training, Ann (55 years) lost 6.5kgs and 27cms and ranked as one of our Top 10 Finalists!


Managed to lose a massive 12.2kgs and 67cms in 8 weeks.

“On Body Shaping (formerly HYPOXI) days, I stick to the HYPOXI day meal guide. I’m now a crazy batch cooker, preparing for the week so I don’t have excuses. Favourite recipes from the 8-week Plan include Chicken Soup, Zucchini Bread, Banana Pancakes and Seeded Crackers (these will forever be a staple in my kitchen).

You could say, my “Year of Health” started with a bang. I have lost 12.2kg and gained a waist again! While I still have more to reach my goal, I couldn’t be prouder of myself. I feel lighter and more energetic. I’m healthier, with less headaches and tummy issues from my cleaner eating. I sleep better.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Sarah managed to lose a massive 12.2kgs and 67cms during our 8 week challenge.


I have tried all kinds of diet and slimming centres for years since I was 11 years old. Nothing has really helped until I found HYPOXI.

Ever since she was a kid, Caren struggled with her weight and faced discrimination because of her size. She tried a lot of diets and slimming solutions, but nothing really worked. Until she joined Body Shaping Zona studio (formerly HYPOXI).

She decided to sign up for our 8 Week Transformation earlier this year and after only 8 weeks, she lost a phenomenal 9.8kgs and 41cms! 👏

“I remember my primary school teacher asking me to step on the scale because he wanted to see if an 11-year-old girl was heavier than he was. That was embarrassing and really crushed me.”

“I have tried all kinds of diet and slimming centres for years since I was 11 years old. Nothing has really helped until I found HYPOXI.”

“The first time I tried HYPOXI a few years ago, I experienced weight loss that I never achieved through diets, vigorous exercise and slimming centres. I truly believed for the first time that I could lose the weight and be healthy.”

“Within a month of my HYPOXI journey, my joint pains began to subside and I am getting more fit every day.”

“Team members at HYPOXI studio have been so encouraging and supportive on this journey and I have gained fitness, confidence and meaningful friendships.”

“HYPOXI has really saved me from continuing to be at high risk of health and heart concerns, teaching me to balance nutrition and exercise to achieve good health in a holistic manner.”

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Caren's results cellulite treatment before after - 9.8 kg after 8 weeks.

Victoria Owens (Channel Nine)

How a Matrix suit and watching Netflix helped me lose a fast 4kg

After four weeks, I lost 4.1kgs which can mostly be attributed to the change in my diet. HYPOXI is responsible for the huge number of centimetres I lost.

My most dramatic slim down was around my stomach where I lost a whopping 9.5cm. I also lost around 5cm from both my waist and bum and a few centimetres here and there from my knees, thighs and hips. It was also pretty clear my face had slimmed down a lot as well.

Read details in the article: How a Matrix suit and watching Netflix helped me lose a fast 4kg

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Nine producer Victoria Owens images before and after Hypoxi.

Jay J

I feel so much better that I can now fit into my clothes comfortably and I couldn’t be happier.

I am very happy with the results  I have achieved after 2 months of Vacu Massage (Hypoxi Dermalogy – HDC) & cycling sessions. I have lost 39cm in total and 5kg. 

I feel so much better that I can now fit into my clothes comfortably and I couldn’t be happier.

Thanks to the team at Lane Cove Body Shaping Zone (formerly Hypoxi) studio.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Jay is using s120 equipment for body sculpting. Her result is weigh loss of 39cm in total and 5kg.

Amanda and Dan

After just 1 month, Dan managed to lose 5kg and 6.5cm of stubborn fat from his stomach.


I’m extremely pleased with my results of the Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) sessions. After just 1 month, I managed to lose 5kg and 6.5cm of stubborn fat from my stomach. The workouts were easy, suit was painless and the diet was clear and simple to follow even with my busy work schedule. I would highly recommend Bohdana and the team from Body Shaping Zone (formerly Hypoxi) Lane Cove to anyone looking to shed some kilos without all the stress that comes with hours at the gym.


The staff at Lane Cove studio were very welcoming and helpful. Veronika, Bohdana and the team provided us with great diet advice to accompany our Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) sessions keeping us on track. It’s an easy workout that is soft on the body.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Amanda and Dan standing in Body Shaping studio with signs about their weigh loss.

Gwen Richetti

I actually am looking better than I did over twenty years ago, if not my best ever!

I am absolutely thrilled with my results. I am someone who undergoes regular exercise, is conscious about my eating but nothing seemed to shift the last few kilos or to help with my cellulite.  After my Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) treatment, I have dropped over a dress size and now weigh less and have a more toned shape and appearance to my body.  I am now looking even better than before getting married (my original goal) and three children.

I actually am looking better than I did over twenty years ago, if not my best ever!

What a 40th birthday present!  

Thank you to all the Body Shaping Zone (formerly Hypoxi) studio at Lane Cove team.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Gwen is using Vacumassage (HypoxiDermology) body sculpting equipment for body shaping and weigh loss.

Susan G.

The halfway through my plan I have lost several kilos and 10cms from my waist hips and legs.

I am very happy with the results that I have seen so far. Even at this stage, halfway through my plan, I have lost several kilos and 10 cm from my waist hips and legs.

Combining Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) sessions with portion control of my diet, I am delighted with the results and look forward to further improvements as I near the completion of my plan.
One of the things that I discovered having now completed my course of treatments, is how valuable using a Vacu Massage (Hypoxi HDC) machine is. While I thought from the beginning that it was an extremely relaxing treatment (in Vacu Massage), I found after initially stopping, how much more effective the other part of the treatment became when I resumed. HDC seemed to prepare my skin and the whole body to more effectively utilize the other part of the treatment. I am very happy with my great results.

Susan did so far 10 combo sessions (Vacu Massage and Vacunaut) and an additional 8 Vacunaut sessions (without Vacu Massage/HDC) and lost 4.5kgs and 35cm overall.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Susan is using Vacunaut equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 4.5 kg.


After just 8 sessions I was so surprised by my results! I lost over 30cm all around and was completely blown away.

Everyone I knew was doing Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) but I didn’t really understand the hype until I started myself.

After just 8 sessions I was so surprised by my Hypoxi results! I lost over 30cm all around and was completely blown away. The workouts are so easy and the team at Lane Cove studio were so accommodating with my busy schedule and always tried to fit me in.

I would highly recommend (Hypoxi to anyone who’s looking for a little weight loss boost!

Having had amazing results before her wedding, Alina returned to us later and lost a whopping 30cms from her body in 8 sessions and has more sessions ahead of her.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Alina is using s120 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss of 30 cm.

Matt P.

Combining Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi), three times a week, with portion control helped me achieve results I am very happy with.

This was my second occasion to use Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) and I cannot credit the team at Sydney Circular Quay enough. Prior to starting Body Shaping (Hypoxi) for the first time, I was a somewhat sceptical bloke. Marketing hype, fluffy, “feel good” PR, I thought. How wrong I was.

From the start, the team were very helpful. They understood my needs and helped me meet my goals in a non-pressured, relaxed way. No high-pressure, “look at me” types here, just good quality professionals.

Combining Hypoxi, three times a week, with portion control helped me achieve results I am very happy with.

Thank you.

Matt did 3 months of the Hypoxi Vacunaut sessions, 3 times a week and lost 4 kg and 17 centimetres together from his waist, stomach and hips area (2-3 dress sizes).

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Matt is using Vacunaut equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 4 kg.

Julieanne Horsman

Hypoxi Body Shaping helped me go from a size 14 to 10 in just four months. When I signed up I thought it was expensive but once I saw the results I realised it was more than worth it. And now I’m telling everyone who will listen!

I committed to three Body Shaping sessions per week and followed the directions not to eat for two hours afterwards and not to have any carbs for another four hours. Surprisingly it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. The exercise itself isn’t hard either and you can be on your phone or reading a book at the same time.

When I signed up I thought it was expensive but once I saw the results I realised it was more than worth it.

I couldn’t be happier with my new slimmer physique and I’m lapping up the compliments from friends and family who have all noticed!

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Julieanne is using s120 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss from size 14 down to size 10.

Jessica Moussa

I would recommend Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) to anyone who isn’t too big on hitting the gym but is looking for a little light training and wants to lose centimetres.

I heard about Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) on the radio and was intrigued to learn more about it, so I decided to book an appointment at Lane Cove Body Shaping Zone Studio. I enjoyed the session and liked the concept behind it and I found it to be very simple yet effective. I did Body Shaping (Hypoxi) for 8 weeks and lost 16cm which I was extremely happy about. I would recommend Hypoxi to anyone who isn’t too big on hitting the gym but is looking for a little light training and wanting to lose centimetres.

The Lane Cove team were awesome, friendly and super helpful. Thank you guys. Hope to see you soon for some more sessions :).

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!

Eleni Loupis

Eleni lost 39.5cm in 42 sessions in 3 months – AMAZING!

I had been wanting to try Hypoxi (Body Shaping) for a while and I’m so glad I finally took the plunge. The ladies at Body Shaping Zone (formerly Hypoxi) studio in Sydney CBD are amazing, helpful and friendly.

With 3 sessions a week and following the dietary recommendations, I can now fit back into my size 10 clothes. I will definitely be back and cannot recommend the Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) studio at Sydney CBD enough!!!

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Eleni standing in front of s120 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 39.5 cm.


Body Shaping (formerly Hypoxi) proved extremely effective for me and was the weight loss jump start I needed.

Lost 43.5cm in 25 cycling sessions

I am so thrilled with my results at the Body Shaping Zone (formerly Hypoxi) studio in Lane Cove. Body Shaping (Hypoxi) was the perfect exercise regime for me that fit into my busy lifestyle with a 2-year-old and baby. I was looking for the right fitness solution to help me shift my extra baby weight and quickly worked out that gyms, personal training and fitness groups weren’t the right fit for me with two young children in tow.
All staff at Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) studio Lane Cove were extremely accommodating and friendly and encouraged me to bring my children whilst I did the low-impact cycling. I followed their dietary guidelines and could only commit to twice a week even though the recommendation was three times a week. It proved extremely effective for me and was the weight loss jump start I needed.
It was quick, not strenuous and I would never have had these results, had I visited a gym for example twice a week, as Hypoxi’s 1/2 hour supercharged sessions would be my warm-up time in the gym.

Thank you to all the staff at the Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) studio at Lane Cove. I will always be grateful for your friendliness, support and encouragement during my weight-loss journey.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Rima is using s120 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 35 cm.


Hilda lost 18.5cm and 1.4kg in 12 sessions.

I have done 12 sessions in Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) Circular Quay studio and am extremely happy with the results.

Highly recommended, thank you.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Hilda is using s120 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 1.4 kg.

Jessica Macri

In four weeks Jess lost an amazing 33 cm in 14 combo sessions and fitted comfortably into her wedding dress.

I’ve been doing Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) for four weeks, three sessions a week leading up to my big wedding day.

So far I’ve seen a massive difference in my waist and my thighs and I’m absolutely loving it. Also, I suffer from Endometriosis and normally I can’t do traditional exercise in the gym but Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) has allowed me to exercise three times a week and feel my best!

I thoroughly recommend Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi)!

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!

Maria Somera

The program helps me exercise with a lesser impact on my knees and hips. Finally, there is one program that works!

When I joined Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) I was very sceptical, thinking it could be one of the programs that does not give results and just promise you miracles, BUT I was proven wrong!

After my 24 sessions with Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) – it’s all worth it! I used to weigh 77.4 kilos and I’m now 4 kilos lighter and 14 cm skinnier.
I am suffering from hormonal imbalances (high blood pressure and underperforming thyroid) that make me gain more weight and lose the flabs harder. Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) helped me jump-start my weight loss journey. The program helps me exercise with a lesser impact on my knees and hips.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Maria is using L250 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 4 kg.

Paula Castillo

I started my sessions as a bit of a sceptic but started seeing results really early on.

I’m just over halfway into my 2-month program and couldn’t be happier! I must admit I started my sessions as a bit of a sceptic but started seeing results really early on.
Bohdana and Jana at Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) studio at Wynyard/Circular Quay have made me feel so welcome and supported; it’s really given me the boost I needed to kick-start my fitness regime. I’m very excited to see my final results!

So far, Paula lost 15.5 cm in 14 sessions: 2x per week 30 minutes of cycling, 1x per week 60-minute combo cycling and Vacu Massage (HDC)

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Paula is using L250 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 15.5 cm.

Cyndi Laird

I have osteoarthritis in my knees so Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) is the only type of exercise I can do.

My Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) experience was fantastic – I lost 17.5 cm and got back into clothes that were too small. I have osteoarthritis in my knees so Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) is the only type of exercise I can do.

I feel great and am looking forward to continuing my journey with the team at Body Shaping Zone studio in Wynyard and looking fabulous for my daughter’s wedding.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Cyndi is using L250 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 17.5 cm.

Christine Clark

Hypoxi Vacuum Body Sculpting is definitely more effective than just using ordinary gym equipment. It can complement your normal fitness regime or you can simply just do Vacuum Body Sculpting like I did.

After having another baby, I returned to Body Shaping Zone studio in Lane Cove yet again to kickstart regaining my pre-pregnancy body and it has delivered excellent results for the second time. Being very pressed for time with a newborn, exercising effectively is really essential and I looked forward to my sessions each week as I could see results soon and fast.

Also, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Lane Cove branch as the ladies there are knowledgeable and welcoming and make the atmosphere enjoyable and relaxing. I highly recommend this body-shaping program!

During 8 sessions Christine lost 17cm – well done!!

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Christine in L120 body shaping equipment

Emma Fergusson

I was relaxing by watching Netflix or reading my book – it made it feel like I wasn’t exercising at all. I now feel confident to wear my swimmers.

Body Shaping Zone studio in Lane Cove has been an amazing experience. One I wasn’t expecting to continue on for so long. I have lost a total of 37.5cm and lost 3kg.

I have never liked exercise but I found I looked forward to my Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) sessions, being able to chat with the lovely Bohdana and her team and also feeling like I was relaxing by watching Netflix or reading my book – it made it feel like I wasn’t exercising at all.

My Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) journey started because I wasn’t happy with my shape and losing just weight was not helping. I was recovering from a back injury, so the gentle exercise that Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) offers was perfect. I now feel confident to wear my swimmers on my upcoming Europe holiday.

Thank you Bohdana and team!! You will be seeing me again I’m sure.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Emma exercising in Hypoxi L120 shaping her body. She is happy about her weigh loss 3 kg .


In just 12 vacuum-cycling sessions I lost 12 cms, leaving me feeling trim and ready for my upcoming vacation!

Getting fit is easy and enjoyable with Body Sculpting (Hypoxi). The 30 minute vacuum-cycling sessions are a great way to wake up and start my day with an energy boost.

Thanks to the team at Body Shaping Zone studio in Wynyard for always making the experience so welcoming and effortless.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Stephanie using L250 equipment for body shaping. Her result is weigh loss 12 cm.

Moe Omran

I lost 7 kilos already and still losing! A 30-minute workout that is equivalent to 3 hours at the gym.

I had a great experience with Body Sculpting (Hypoxi)

If you’re looking to lose weight fast Body Shaping Zone studio is the place.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Moe exercising Hypoxi Vacunaut for weigh loss

Danielle Stern

Thank you Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) for giving me a way to easily target some of my problem areas.

The staff at Body Shaping Zone studio in Wynyard are always very helpful and attentive, and I have found it a useful addition to my exercise routine.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Danielle is using S120 equipment for body shaping and weigh loss.

Claire Thana

I’m so happy and can’t recommend Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) highly enough. The Body Sculpting system is about targeting problem areas and it really works.

I have dropped from a size 12 to a size 8 in 24 sessions. I can fit into my summer clothes now and I haven’t spent a cent on new clothes.

Claire lost 30.5cm and 4.1kg in 24 combo sessions (2 months)

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Claire is using L250 equipment for body shaping and weigh loss: 30.5cm and 4.1kg in 2 months

Kate Allsop

Kate is a very busy mum of 3 young children and has done 36 combo sessions of Vacu Massage and Vacu Cycling and has found the results really good.

Kate started her Body Sculpting sessions (Hypoxi) 3 months ago and says:

I was 5 months post-partum and was looking for help with losing some excess weight loss. I’ve been doing combo sessions 3 times a week and have found the results really good. I was measured this morning and lost 21cm, my mid-section is noticeably firmer and I’m feeling great.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!

Hnin Nandar

I lost 20 cm within 8 weeks, and more than 40 cm (16 kg) within 4 months.

A friend of mine highly recommended that I should try Vacuum Body Sculpting Sessions (Hypoxi). After 2 pregnancies, no matter what I did, my stomach looked like 5 months pregnant. I thought I should try Body Sculpting Sessions (Hypoxi) before I do a Tummy Tuck. Body Shaping Zone studio in Lane Cove is near where I live, so I chose to try Vacuum Body Sculpting Sessions (Hypoxi). Luckily I did. The owner, Bohdana and her staff are very friendly, and accommodating and helped me look after my kids while I work out.

All of the clients I randomly met are mostly moms. They are also so nice and very friendly. I actually became best friends with one of their clients as well as our kids.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Hnin has been using L250 equipment for body shaping and weigh loss: 16 kg in 4 months

Mi Lou 

The Vacuum Body Sculpting (Hypoxi) sessions are worth the money!

I lost all Covid kilos in 4.5 weeks and have a flat belly again. Bohdana (the owner) is a very knowledgeable and welcoming person, always ready to help and answer any questions.
The HYPOXI Wynyard is well equipped – they can even do the 3D body scans to compare the before and after results!!

Mi Lou lost 4.5kg and 26.5cm in 4.5 weeks.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Mi is using Vacunaut body sculpting equipment for weigh loss.

Talita Terzian

Losing post-baby weight and fitting back in pre-pregnancy jeans after 6 weeks

So far Talita has done 6 weeks of Body Sculpting combo sessions (Hypoxi combo) – Vacumassage (HDC) and horizontal vacuum-cycling and is very happy with losing her post-baby weight and fitting into her pre-pregnancy jeans.

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Losing post-baby weight and fitting back in pre-pregnancy jeans after 6 weeks with Hypoxi.

Amy Johnson

I can’t thank the Body Shaping Zone team enough for all their help and support 🙂

Body Shaping Zone (Hypoxi) studio at Wynard has been one of the best decisions I have made. I have lost 5kgs and a total of 30cms in a month! So far I have seen a huge difference in my waist and thighs and I am really loving doing 3 combo sessions per week – they make all the difference!

Disclaimer: Your individual results may vary

Sign up for 3 session trial at 50% off today!
Amy is using Vacumassage (HypoxiDermology) equipment for body shaping and weigh loss: 5 kg

Love your body: Start your risk free body shaping trial today!

Claim your 50% discount on first 3 sessions!

Two convenient Sydney body shaping studio locations

We have two conveniently located Sydney studios, one in Sydney CDB and one in Lane Cove.

Both locations are conveniently central, great for dropping in even just on your lunch break.
That way, even if you are busy at work, you can visit us for as many sessions as needed and reach your perfect body goals.

Both studios are equipped with all four of the Hypoxi Vacu Massage, Vacunaut, S120 and L250 Vacu bikes. You can access your perfect body shaping program in either studio.

Body Shaping Zone Sydney CBD

(formerly Hypoxi Sydney CBD)

255 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 (at Fitness First in Hilton)

Phone: 0431 234 303
  1. Monday7:30 am - 7:00 pm
  2. Tuesday6:30 am - 3:30 pm
  3. Wednesday6:30 am - 7:00 pm
  4. Thursday6:30 am - 7:00 pm
  5. Friday6:30 am - 3:00 pm
  6. SaturdayClosed -
  7. SundayClosed -
Claim Your 50% Discount on First 3 Sessions Today!

Virtual tour of Sydney CBD Body Shaping Zone studio. Use the arrows in view to navigate around.

Body Shaping Zone Lane Cove

(formerly Hypoxi Lane Cove)

21 Nundah St, Lane Cove North NSW 2066

Phone: 0431 380 153
  1. Monday6:00 am - 4:00 pm
  2. Tuesday11:30 am - 8:00 pm
  3. Wednesday6:00 am - 8:00 pm
  4. Thursday3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  5. Friday6:00 am - 7:00 pm
  6. Saturday8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  7. SundayClosed -
Claim Your 50% Discount on First 3 Sessions Today!

Virtual tour of Lane Cove Body Shaping Zone studio. Use the arrows in view to navigate around.

Hypoxi before & after: Client’s body shaping results

The hype about Hypoxi body shaping is real! The program will transform your life and give you the figure - and the confidence - of your dreams. Big words, indeed, but we’ve seen it happen to hundreds of clients already.

With the usual disclaimer that the individual results vary, here are some of the success stories from our satisfied past clients. We hope these will inspire you to start your own body transformation.
See more before & after body shaping results
Despite a hectic work schedule, Melissa managed to shed an impressive 13 kilograms and 96 centimetres in 8 weeks.

Despite a hectic work schedule, Melissa managed to shed an impressive 13 kilograms and 96 centimetres in 8 weeks.

Ms D's commitment to her health journey led to a substantial 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in waist size.

Ms D's commitment to her health journey led to a substantial 10.4 kg weight loss and a 39 cm reduction in waist size.

Juggling work and family schedule, Jessica still managed to shed an impressive 9.8 kilograms and 51 centimeters in 8 weeks.

Juggling work and family schedule, Jessica still managed to shed an impressive 9.8 kilograms and 51 centimeters in 8 weeks.