Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device assisted with smiling team member.

The Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike is ideal for:

  • Women with “pear”-shaped bodies
  • Women with cellulite
  • Mums looking to drop baby weight
  • Anyone struggling to shift weight off their lower body
  • Anyone who doesn’t like traditional exercise
  • Anyone who hasn’t exercised in a long time
  • Anyone with health issues who can’t do traditional exercise in the gym
Before and after body shaping real results weigh loss 10.4 kg in 8 weeks

Whole-Body Benefits

Your 30-minute sessions on the Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike won’t just diminish the stubborn fat on your hips, thighs and posterior. Using the L250 also directly benefits you by improving your blood circulation, toning your skin, and treating your cellulite.

Yes, you read the last part correctly: your body shaping program can even smooth out your impossible “cottage cheese thighs”.

Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device.

Come and test the benefits of Hypoxi L250 for yourself.

Claim your 50% discount on first 3 sessions!

Why does the Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike work?

When you exercise on the Hypoxi L250, the machine targets fat deposits in the area around your hips, thighs and buttocks. For that reason alone, the L250 Vacu bike is a favourite for most of our clients. Most women have a naturally pear-shaped physique, where most of your fat deposits are in your lower-body area.

That fat tends to be very stubborn, and you’re far from alone if you find that working out in the gym just doesn’t seem to budge it. In fact, 85% of women report that they find it hardest to burn the fat around their hips, thighs and buttocks. That’s where body sculpting on the Hypoxi L250 comes in.

With your blood flow stimulated by vacuum pressure from the L250 Vacu bike, your exercise is up to three times more effective than a same workout in a standard gym.

Happy client is using L250 easy bike body shaping device assisted with smiling team

How does the Hypoxi L250 work? 

The Hypoxi L250 accelerates your natural body fat-burning process by applying alternating negative and positive pressure to your active body parts while you exercise.

You lie down on the machine and pedal with your legs, no harder than you need to burn some fat. The L250’s chamber exerts low atmospheric pressure that stimulates your blood supply, pushing it to where it needs to go. First, your blood flow goes to the fatty tissue around your hips, thighs and bottom to become enriched with the fatty acids. Then the vacuum changes its interval to accelerate the enriched blood flow into your muscles.

The key component is the ergometer, encased inside the vacuum chamber. When you use the Hypoxi L250, you and the machine are monitored and assisted by one of our trained, experienced and friendly team members. This operator’s job is to program the pressure regime of the L250 Vacu bike in response to your body so that it’s constantly working at a rhythm perfectly suited to your individual physiological requirements.

Your body knows what to do – your muscles will burn up those fatty acids as fuel for exercise. The Hypoxi L250 accelerates and enhances that process by pushing fatty acids directly away from your problem zones and directly into your working muscles.

Happy middle age client is using L250 easy bike body sculpting device for her weight loss.

Is the Hypoxi L250 for me? 

If you think the Hypoxi L250 Vacu bike might be for you, you’re probably right. Because you can lie down to use it, and because you only need to do gentle exercise to get results, the L250 Vacu bike is accessible and effective for anyone of any fitness level. It’s especially helpful if you don’t like intense cardio, or if you’ve been struggling to get into exercise.

We also recommend the Hypoxi L250 if you’re a new mum, looking for a post-pregnancy body makeover. The L250 Vacu bike targets the same areas where baby weight tends to accumulate during pregnancy, and the exercise is very gentle on your recovering body.

Finally, the gentle excercise is also suitable if you have health issues that prevent you from doing the traditional exercise and workouts in the gym.

Book trial sessions at 50% off to test the Hypoxi L250
Happy young mum is using L250 easy bike body shaping device while her baby is waiting next to her in her pram.

Try the Hypoxi L250 for yourself

Start 3 session trial for 50% off today!

Love your body: Start your risk free body shaping trial today!

Claim your 50% discount on first 3 sessions!